Smok ZMAX Mini - VV, Variable Power, Battery

$ 39.95 USD was $ 59.95 USD

The new ZMAX MINI Advanced Battery is smaller sized, but powerful, reliable, full featured and very well built just like its cousin the ZMAX. With this new version, Voltage or Wattage is variable 3-6 volts or 3-15 watts respectively, using a single 18350 IMR battery(Not Included). Check atomizer/carto resistance and battery voltage too!  Optional extenders for running 18500 and 18650's will be here soon.
The new Rev. 2 Zmax has one extra menu item (8) which enables you to switch between RMS and mean value voltage monitoring.  The RMS mode is more accurate because it samples the output Voltage repeatedly while it is powering an atomizer or cartomizer.  It is with these measurements that it is able to adjust for heat related Voltage drift.
With it's 4 Amp output, it is sure to rock whatever device you want to run on it.  This version has a blue button and blue LED display that can be turned off. ZMax has the native eGo/510 connection so it will run the Vision eGo Clearomizers, CE4/5 and other eGo devices without adapters. Kanger T2, T3 & EVOD will require an eGo adapter though. Run 808 devices as well with a 510-808 adapter.
The ZMAX requires one 18350 IMR battery, sold separately.  It will work with flat or button top IMR's.
Never use non-rechargeable batteries in this or any other e-cig device! Only use the recommended batteries for this unit, it's for your safety.
LCD Menu:
1. Uu- Voltage up
2. Ud- Voltage down
3. So- Standby / on/off
4. Uc- Battery voltage check
5. Ds- Display change / Resistance Ω/Voltage output/Voltage under load 'live'
Do - Display atomizer/cartomizer output voltage
Du - Display battery output voltage
Dr  - Display atomizer/cartomizer resistance
6. Lo- LED on/off
7. Up- Voltage power (Wattage setting)
Po - Constant power (wattage) operation
Uo - Constant voltage operation
8. Change voltage calculation method, RMS or MEAn calculation
RMS - More accurate (preferred), looks like ANS on screen
MEA - Older method used by V/Zmax (hotter), looks like NEA on screen

In the event of a fault, the following error codes may appear on your ZMAX device:
LOR - Atomizer/cartomizer resistance is too low
LOU - Battery voltage is too low, replace or charge battery
WSC - Short circuit in faulty atomizer/cartomizer
The ZMax can read your output voltage, battery voltage and cartomizer / atomizer resistance.
The price listed is for the unit only, packaged in a box with easy to understand Zmax instruction manual.